Solar Eclipse Information

Hello Herrick Families,
By now you may have heard that there will be a Solar Eclipse on Monday morning. Our school will be allowing
students to view the eclipse.  Our goal is to protect students from the dangers of looking directly at the sun. 
The following is important information that will take place on Monday:
  1. Our staff has reviewed and understands our district policy regarding safety steps when viewing a solar eclipse. 
  2. All students will be provided approved solar eclipse glasses when viewing the eclipse. 
  3. In Los Angeles, the partial solar eclipse will start at 10:06 a.m., and a substantial bite of the sun will be obvious by 10:39 a.m., peaking at 11:12 a.m.
  4. Teachers will be taking students outside betweem 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
  5. Students will be supervised and we are communicating to our students that they must wear solar eclipse glasses at all times when looking at the solar eclipe.
  6. Students will be indoors for lunch. 
Parents, we ask that you please remind your children that they should not stare directly at the sun as this may result in permanent eye damage or other unknown effects.  
Please feel free to call if you have any questions @ (818) 367-1864.
Thank you,
J. Dorado 

J. Dorado